Need A Cargo Trailer To Haul A Car? Tips For Purchasing An Enclosed Cargo Trailer

Automotive Blog

If you need a cargo trailer, you can choose an open or enclosed trailer. With an open trailer, you have to make sure your car is covered with a tarp to keep it protected from the weather and debris as you are driving down the road. With an enclosed trailer, you will not have to worry about this as the car will be protected. Enclosed trailers can also be locked to keep your car and things inside the car secure if you have to stop somewhere. Below are some tips on purchasing an enclosed trailer to haul your car so you can be sure you get the right one.

The Right Size

You need to make sure you purchase the right sized cargo trailer. It is better to purchase one that is larger than you think you need so you can be sure you have enough space to hold your car. The most popular sizes for cargo trailers range from 5'x8' to 6'x12'. Make sure you have the proper measurements of the width and length of your car before you start looking at trailers.

Type of Enclosed Cargo Trailer

When you start looking at enclosed cargo trailers, you will find there are different types to choose from. The trailers are specifically made for what they will be hauling. For example, because you are hauling a car, there will be a built-in ramp so you can easily drive into and out of the trailer.

Enclosed Cargo Trailer Laws

You need to check into what the cargo trailer laws are for your state. For example, you will have to determine the amount of weight you can carry, as well as make sure the tail and brake lights are working properly on the trailer. Your license plate has to be viewable from behind or by someone who is standing back there.

There are also a certain height limits you will have to go by.  There will be laws with the type of brakes you have on your cargo trailer and how they are operated. This is to ensure your car does not break away from your cargo trailer as you are driving.

If you have any questions about purchasing your enclosed cargo trailer to haul your car, talk with a salesperson. If you are only going to use a cargo trailer for a short time, ask them if they can rent one to you.

Talk to a company like TNT Equipment Hauling for more information.


25 June 2016

Choosing Better Auto Service

When I started focusing more on car maintenance, it was astounding to see just how many things needed to be repaired on my car. I felt as if I was whittling away thousands of dollars worth of repairs, and it was really frustrating. However, I just focused on one thing at a time, and before I knew it, my car problems started to melt away. Within a few months, my car was functioning perfectly, and I wasn't worried about it starting each and every day. This blog is all about choosing better auto service and knowing which problems to address first.