What You Need To Start A Firewood Delivery Service This Fall

Automotive Blog

If you live in a rural area and have adequate space on your property to store firewood, then you can make a little extra cash this fall and winter delivering firewood. In order to do this you will need a few items. Some of them are things you most likely have, while others are items you are going to have to purchase.

The Type Of Wood You Will Get: Split, Chunk, or Logs

There are three ways you can approach this. The first is to purchase split firewood in bulk and then deliver it to people who only want to buy a cord or a half a cord. Split firewood has already been cut to length and quartered so that it fits inside wood burning stoves. The profit margin on the firewood will be small, but you won't have to do any chopping or cutting. The only thing you will be doing is the delivery. If you get split wood you don't need anything, just some muscle to move it around.

If you buy chunk wood, then you will need to split the wood into smaller pieces. Chunk firewood is simply a log that has been cut into small lengths. The diameter is still large and it needs to be made smaller. You can't do this with a chainsaw. You will need an electric or gas powered wood splitter. Chunk wood is cheaper to buy then split firewood, but it does require you to do the splitting, which takes time and effort. However, your profit will be larger.

Finally, you can get whole logs. These are the cheapest to buy; however, they do require the most effort to process. You will have to use a chainsaw to cut the log into short lengths and then use the wood splitter to split them into small pieces. If you have lots of time on your hands and don't mind the physical exertion, then this is going to give you the most profit.

Cargo Trailer

Even if you have a pickup truck you will need a cargo trailer. You cannot fit much wood in the back of your pickup truck. You might have to make multiple trips to deliver wood, which would be inefficient and costly due to the gas expenditure.

The solution is to get a cargo trailer. Choose one that has tall sides and is fenced in. The cargo trailers that only have a single bar running across the sides are fine for delivering tractors, but when you're dealing with small lengths of logs, you need something that will prevent small items from falling out the trailer. You also want one that has a lattice style bottom. This will make it easy to clean out with a power hose. A solid bottom will collect lots of bark, rotten wood, and insects. Contact a company like TRSC to learn more.


15 June 2016

Choosing Better Auto Service

When I started focusing more on car maintenance, it was astounding to see just how many things needed to be repaired on my car. I felt as if I was whittling away thousands of dollars worth of repairs, and it was really frustrating. However, I just focused on one thing at a time, and before I knew it, my car problems started to melt away. Within a few months, my car was functioning perfectly, and I wasn't worried about it starting each and every day. This blog is all about choosing better auto service and knowing which problems to address first.